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In the vein of timely films including One Night In Miami, Green Book, Hidden Figures, Ava DuVernay's Selma, and Tate Taylor's The Help, as well as hit television series like Epix’s The Godfather of Harlem and HBO’s The Plot Against America, Miami Carver explores true life inter-racial relationships and events that led Martin Luther King Jr. to the Miami home of a retired, Jewish, Overtown hotel owner, for what would become an historic series of impromptu dinners in the summer of 1959, that brought the Jewish community on board the movement and brightened the national spotlight on Civil Rights.


Based on actual events and set against the percolating racial tensions at the dawn of the 1960's, the film details the unlikely partnership of Alfred Harrow, a semi-retired, struggling Jewish hotel owner, and Dwight "D.D." Davidson, an immensely talented but highly temperamental African American jazz trumpeter, as they conspire to take advantage of the impending Overtown arrival of Martin Luther King, Jr.  to make their dreams come true.

Bye Bye Blackbird - M. Davis

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